Scuttlebutt: Official Podcast of the National Museum of the Surface Navy
SCUTTLEBUTT is the official podcast of the National Museum of the Surface Navy at the Battleship IOWA, in affiliation with the Surface Navy Association's Battleship IOWA Chapter.
We're here to take inspirational dives into the daily challenges, sparks of passion, and unwavering dedication of our crew and supporters. We also interview thought leaders in both the public and private sectors to hear their thought-provoking stories and opinions on current and relevant topics.
Connect, have fun with, and get to know the cast of characters who give the museum its personality.
67 episodes
MH-60S Seahawk Pilots Share Scary Weather Stories
Meet Navy flyers Kevin Borough and Jack Tribolet. Neither dreamed of being a pilot - one, in fact, actively avoided it, but both ended up driving rescue helos for the Navy. Buckle up for some hair-raising tales of scary weather in ...
Season 3
Episode 14

Never Dreamed Of Being A Pilot
We just talked to a rescue swimmer (https://youtu.be/2d_uQT1fHEU?si=R1iF0wvPyeBHfOMm). We figured we ought to talk to his taxi drivers, too.Meet Navy flyers Kevin Borough and Jack Tribolet. Neither dreamed of being a pilot - one, in fac...
Season 3
Episode 13

Calm in the Chaos - Rescue Swimmer Brian Dickinson
Brian Dickinson has been a part of an elite unit in the US Navy: he's a retired Navy aviation rescue swimmer. That not adventurous enough for you? He's also one of two people to have stood on the roof of the world completely by himself....
Season 3
Episode 12

Brian Dickinson: From Elite Navy Rescue Swimmer to Snow Blind on the Roof of the World
Brian Dickinson has had been a part of an elite unit in the US Navy: he's a retired Navy aviation rescue swimmer. That not adventurous enough for you? He's also one of two people to have stood on the roof of the world completely by himself....

Jeff Lamberti: "We Couldn't Get The Grill Through The Door"
Battleship IOWA Museum's first chairman of the board and former Iowa state senator Jeff Lamberti joins the gang to reminisce about the adventure of saving the ship from the mothball fleet.Prepare for some laughs as we share previously u...
Season 3
Episode 10

Saving IOWA: We Should Have Failed with Jeff Lamberti
Former Iowa state senator and the first chairman of Battleship IOWA's Board, Jeff Lamberti was there for the pins-and-needles moments back in 2011 when saving the ship was still a huge question mark.He jumped into a Scuttlebutt recordin...
Season 3
Episode 9

Travis Davis from Battleship TEXAS Part 2
Here's Part 2 of our conversation with Travis Davis, Vice President of Ship Operations for Battleship TEXAS.In this podcast he shares behind the scenes info on the recent drydocking and restoration of the world's oldest battleship.<...
Season 3
Episode 8

Travis Davis: Battleship TEXAS VP of Ship Ops Gives Us an Update
We've been trying to get this guy on the podcast for a while. He's Travis Davis, Vice President of Ship Operations for Battleship TEXAS and he's had an interesting few years.In this podcast he shares behind the scenes info on the recent...
Season 3
Episode 7

Restored! IOWA's 1980s TV Studio... And We Just Moved In
We're excited to introduce the latest restored and working space aboard Battleship IOWA. It's the new home for our podcast: IOWA's 1980s TV studio. Welcome to NEPM Studio 61A!In this episode we sit down with IOWA's Innovation Engineerin...
Season 3
Episode 6

Aydin Diaby: 19 Year-Old Creates IOWA Model From Scratch!
Out of the blue a few months ago, we got an email from a young man from the Philadelphia area. Aydin Diaby is 19 and a self-taught model maker. When he and his brother visited Battleship IOWA in April 2023, Aydin was so inspired, he went home...
Season 3
Episode 5

Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, USN (Ret) On Leadership And Life (Part 2)
Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, USN (Ret) is a woman of many firsts:- First woman to be navigator on a carrier- First woman to the first woman to command a carrier strike group in 2010 (She embarked with USS GEORGE H. W. BUSH (CVN 77) in t...
Season 3
Episode 4

Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, USN (Ret): You Want To Be Navigator on a Carrier...?!
Vice Admiral Nora Tyson, USN (Ret) is a woman of many firsts:First woman to be navigator on a carrier (USS Lexington)First woman to the first woman to command a carrier strike group in 2010 (She embarked with USS <...
Season 3
Episode 3

Sal Mercogliano: What's Going On In Shipping (Part 2)
We're back for another season of SCUTTLEBUTT and we're starting off by sharing a new YouTube channel addiction: What's Going On In Shipping (https://www.youtube.com/@wgowshipping).Dr. Sal Mercogliano is a retired merchant mariner and ch...
Season 3
Episode 2

Sal Mercogliano: What's Going On In Shipping (Part 1)
We're back for another season of SCUTTLEBUTT and we're starting off by sharing a new YouTube channel addiction: What's Going On In Shipping (https://www.youtube.com/@wgowshipping). Dr. Sal Mercogliano is a retired merchant mariner and c...
Season 3
Episode 1

Attempted Murder with Port of LAPD Officers Stacey Creech & Aldo Morales (Part 2)
Los Angeles Port Police Community Relations Officers Stacey Creech and Aldo Morales are near and dear to our hearts here at Battleship IOWA. They have our backs during any event we have that involves the public, most notably
Season 2
Episode 17

This Week On Scuttlebutt... An Attempted Murder with POLA PD Officers Stacey Creech and Aldo Morales (Part 1)
Los Angeles Port Police Community Relations Officers Stacey Creech and Aldo Morales are near and dear to our hearts here at Battleship IOWA. They have our backs during any event we have that involves the public, most notably
Season 2
Episode 16

Joe Sienkiewicz On Tropical Storm Hilary And Other 2023 Storms (Part 2)
Joe Sienkiewicz from NOAA's Ocean Predictions Center (otherwise known as our favorite "weather guesser") is our ace in the hole when it comes to inclement weather that's headed our way. He's been instrumental in helping us stay on top of how to...
Season 2
Episode 15

Joe Sienkiewicz On Tropical Storm Hilary And Other 2023 Storms (Part 1)
Joe Sienkiewicz from NOAA's Ocean Predictions Center (otherwise known as our favorite "weather guesser") is our ace in the hole when it comes to inclement weather that's headed our way. He's been instrumental in helping us stay on top of how to...
Season 2
Episode 14

Captain Dick McKenna: XO of USS KIRK Shares His Experience During The Fall Of Saigon
Picture it: April 1975. Saigon has fallen. Thousands are frantic to get out. They take to the roof of an apartment building and fly off in the largest helicopter evacuation in history. But where do they go?At least 17 head out to sea an...
Season 2
Episode 13

Are We Cutting Through The Armor On Our Hull?
Short answer to that one is an emphatic NO.In this video we're setting the record straight on a few of the inaccurate rumors we've been heard floating around lately. Things such as:- Are we cutting a hole in our hull? -...
Season 2
Episode 12

Why Do We Do Things Like Rotate A Turret?
We've gotten the question, "Why did you turn the turret" a lot in the last couple of weeks. We get it frequently in response to the out-of-the-box ideas that end up making ship the special place it is.In this podcast episode we answer t...
Season 2
Episode 11

What Has Inspired This Bay Area Trio To Volunteer At Battleship IOWA For A Decade?
"Electric" Bill Weinberg and Angelo Salarpi have been Battleship IOWA volunteers since January 2012, when the ship was undergoing initial restoration in Richmond, CA. They dragged Alan Markle into the fray with them a couple of years later.&nbs...
Season 2
Episode 10

What's It Like To Recommission A Battleship Part 2
What's it like to go aboard a ship that's been closed up for nearly thirty years and help bring it back to life? Bob Lemmond and Marty Palmiere know.They spent years preparing USS IOWA to rejoin the US Navy's active roster in the early ...
Season 2
Episode 9

What's It Like To Recommission A Battleship?
What's it like to go aboard a ship that's been closed up for nearly thirty years and help bring it back to life? Bob Lemmond and Marty Palmiere know.They spent years preparing USS IOWA to rejoin the US Navy's active roster in the early ...
Season 2
Episode 8

April 19, 2023: 1989 Crew Members Recall Their Time On IOWA
Marty Palmiere, Scott Johnson, and Lonnie Cook (left to right in thumbnail photo) lived through the worst day in Battleship IOWA's history: April 19, 1989. They've lived with the memories ever since.While M...
Season 2
Episode 7